Patient Room: Each bedroom has a private bathroom and a closet for your personal belongings. There is a television in each room. We ask that the TV not be on during group time or quiet hours and that the volume be kept at reasonable levels to not disturb other patients or the unit milieu. A locked cabinet for cell phones, electronics, & toiletries is provided in each patient room. Nursing staff will unlock the cabinet when needed.

Dayroom/Dining Room: Therapeutic groups and activities, meals, relaxation, and socialization all occur in these areas. A television set, stereo, and piano (in some neighborhoods) are available in these areas for your use. Program selection on TV and radio is chosen by group consensus and majority vote prevails. Games, puzzles, magazines, and books are available.

Towels/Linens: Clean towels and bed linens are supplied by the hospital and distributed by the staff. Each patient is expected to make his or her own bed in the morning and to change the sheets when necessary. Staff is available to help with this, based on clinical need. Extra blankets are available on request.

Laundry facilities: There is a laundry room with a washer and dryer so you can launder your clothes. There is no charge for this and laundry soap is provided.

Dietary Needs: Special diets are ordered by your physician. Patients may also discuss dietary concerns with a dietitian or nursing staff. Menus are distributed and when filled out, returned to the nursing staff. Assistance in filling out menus is available for those who need it. Meals occur at approximately 7:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 5:00 PM.